

Pilates was designed by Joseph Pilates, a gymnast born in Germany. He recommended a few precise movements emphasizing control and form to aid injured soldiers in the first world war in regaining their health by strengthening, stretching, and stabilizing key muscles. Pilates created “The Pilates Principles” to condition the entire body: proper alignment, centering, concentration, control, precision, breathing, and flowing movement. Pilates works in many areas, Alignment correcting posture, Control of breathing through movement, using your inner strength from your core and pelvic floor, focusing your mind. What will it do for you – developing your body awareness, improving and changing the body’s posture and alignment increasing flexibility and strength. Mobility for joints and injuries, ideal for MS, ME, spinal conditions, or recovery and well-being, for the elderly with arthritis. Beginners, intermediates, and advanced classes covering Posture, breath, strength and balance. Watch those inches disappear as you tone every part of your body.